Monday, December 19, 2011

kecuers moment

kemaren seneng banget pas ngumpul sama anak2 kecuers, walopun ngga lengkap tapi gakpapa. kita sempet foto2 gitu pake kameranya Okky Audina yang keren itu lhoo *awas kalo Okky baca bahaya* bhahaha. ceritanya kemarin tuh aku ditawarin main iklan Primagama sama anak2 UPN komunikasi, yaudah deh aku kumpulin aja anak2 kecuers hehe.

ini adalah beberapa foto2nya pas break syuting.....ya, SYUTING. bhahaha.

wueeelok :D

jump as high as your dream!

main kasti :3
with Okky Audina

Nahhhh,kemarin barengan sama kegiatan diatas OSIS SMA N TIRTONIRMOLO ngadain acara class meeting which is Futsal yieeeey! terus Okky jadi seksi dokumentasi foto2 deh :3 kelasnya Kiki juara 2 lhooo ceman ceman wkwkw

ibu ketua osis kita -..-

ceritanya sih candid camera (?)

ini yang pake baju item tim kelasnya Fikri Fadhilla yeeey!

nahh ini dia pemainnya, nomer punggung 23, nama punggung AFS

tambahan terakhir, kemarin tanggal 17 Desember 2011 aku terima rapot guys, anddddd guess whatt? aku rangking satu kelas dannn satu paralel!! wohooooo. alhamdulillah banget yaa Allah :D I've never guess it at all. Allah ngabulin doaku :D really nice! aku ngerasa taun ini tuh perfect banget, banyak halaku laluin di taun ini :') bener bener penutup taun yang Brilliant!!! 


Monday, December 12, 2011


kalo ditanya sekarang lagi kayak gimana rasanya...
eumm, undescribe deh rasanya. yang jelas banyak galaunya.
dan kalopun ada lagu yang bisa ngewakilin menurut gua cocoknya sih YOU-nya Ten2Five..

You did it again
You did hurt my heart
I don’t know how many times
You… I don’t know what to say
You’ve made me so desperately in love
and now you let me down
You said you’d never lie again
You said this time would  be so right
But then I found you were lying there by her side

reff: You.. You turn my whole life so blue
Drowning me so deep,  I just can reach myself again
You.. Successfully tore my heart
Now it’s only pieces
Nothing left but pieces of you

You frustated me with this love
I’ve been trying to understand
You know i’m trying i’m trying
You.. I don’t know what to say
You’ve made me so desperately in love
and now you let me down

emang beberapa ada yang ngga nyambung, tapi lagu ini pas banget ngewakilin perasaan gua. ngga tau knapa.
udah seminggu lebih ngga main. terserah aja sih, bebasin aja. ngga mau minta. malu. sakit sih sakit. tapi emang jenisnya begitu mau gimana lagi *ngelus dada*

Sunday, December 4, 2011


uaaaaaft hello guys lama ngga posting beneran hahaha.
well it's Decembaaah *dancing*
it means we face the last month of this year.
eumm, let we think abaout what we have done in this year. is that really make sense in your life? is that really make benefit for people around you? lets think deeply guys. cause we want to be a better person right? what the lucky hell if you did so many good things in this year. we also should thank God for what He gave so many things in our life.

then, this Decembah is the important month because we should pass the exam. A bad news is came from me which is i got so many 'exam disease' why i say so? yeahh, you should know that i got so many herpes, sore throat, and 'sariawan'. i hate my herpes bcs it's in my face :B it makes i should wear masker around school :|

last, for my baby blue Fikri Fadhilla. keep spirit for the UN yaa dear. jangan main terus. jangan nntn film terus. jangan ngegame terus. jangan bolos mpmbs juga. don't make your parents disappoin! you have to prove that you can do this!
